Forum Home | Satellite TV Support: Dish Satellite TV Support Service Complaint

Name: Mr. Johann Petrovic Title of Question: Dish Satellite TV Support Service Complaint
Question: I am lodging a complaint against the deplorable service I received from their support line. Not only did they know nothing about fixing my situation, but they were rude. I look forward to cancelling my Dish subscription.

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From: Johann
Answer: You are right...but unless you have another option other than Direct TV...they aren't any better. I am about ready to just go back to sticking an antenna on my roof.

From: Lorraine Perry
Answer: I agree with Mr. Petrovic. Reps are uninformed and Dish should be in control or at least monitor their contracted compainies. My complaint went to corporate today.

From: S. Dykes
Answer: I haven't had a rude person yet, but have had FIVE appointments for installation cancelled. Now, when I try to cancel my appointment for installation, they tell me they will get this issue "resolved". They don't seem to understand that I have resolved the situation, I'm going with DirecTV.

From: S. Dykes
Answer: Lorraine, how do I contact coporate offices? I have been told that a Charlie Ergin is owner of the company, but found no listing so far.

From: subrata chakraborty
Answer: My dish is not working since 03/10/07 complaint lodged to Visakhapatnam office no response.View ID no.01504515889, Murali Nagar, Door No.39-5-26/1, Visakhapaatnam. Andhra pradesh.

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