Forum Home | Satellite TV vs. Cable: Bell ExpressVu vs Rogers Digital Cable

Name: Mike Hargrove Title of Question: Bell ExpressVu vs Rogers Digital Cable
Question: Can anybody tell me from their experiences which would be a better choice in Canada - Bell ExpressVu Satellite or Rogers Digital Cable?

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From: Tuola Shabazz
Answer: I find that you get more with Bell Express Vu

From: Patrick Hinter
Answer: Its cheaper with Rogers if you also want internet that way you can get a bundle deal

From: Jason Spears
Answer: I just changed form Expressvu to Rogers Digital and Digital blows Expressvu outta the water!!

From: phillip crawford
Answer: how mush for to rooms

From: phillip crawford
Answer: bell by far the way to go

From: violet
Answer: Bell Express Vu because you get more and its cheap


From: Doug
Answer: I currently have Rogers Digital and would like to make the switch to ExpressVu but I'm not sure if it's the right choice........Thanks to all your answers, I'm still not sure.

From: gena
Answer: hard to say with bell its the same shows over and over nothing new

From: MM
Answer: it s they same with rogers show are playing over and over

From: michael j
Answer: bell is the best and cheapest, their basic is $18 in bundle(with any other bell product), otherwise it is $23. But rogers basic is $30 and they offer bundle discount of 5, 10, and 15% with 2, 3, or more rogers products. That means if you have 4 rogers products then you get maximum discount of 15%, 15% of $30 is 4.50. Therefore you pay $25.50 for basic with rogers with 4 rogers products whereas you pay $18 with bell with only 2 bell products. So bell is the best and cheapest choice. Cheers.

From: ejaz
Answer: iam i calgary.can i get dish net work

From: Jabaa
Answer: Yes I was wondering also if I should shift from Bell TV to Rogers.I thought Rogers was cheaper ?? Better service more programs ?

From: glen
Answer: get dishnetwork in canada

From: Ralfy
Answer: They are all too damn expensive

From: Vic
Answer: I am a Rogers customer of many years and am thinking of switching. Rogers makes arbitrary changes to the channels we can see and does not communicate with the customer - except to say that there will a price "adjustment" (increase). I don't feel that I am getting my money's worth. I don't even know how to contact them in writing. They have no outlets that you can go to - except to buy things. Sc-ew them!

From: di
Answer: my eastlink cable is broke and service just not happening...called Bell and its $33/mth for 1st yr but contract is 24 mnths and price goes up to $47 2nd yr...just fyi...beware of contracts as usual

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